Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde
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information for authors

Royal Dutch Mathematical Society


trial issue

book reviews (archive)

problem section (archive)


For the next issues, here are the deadlines for submitting articles to the managing editors.

issue submission deadline
September 2024 expired
December 2024 1 September 2024
March 2025 1 December 2024
June 2025 1 March 2025


Contributions to the Nieuw Archief can be sent by email or by ordinary mail to one of the editors in chief. About half of the contributions are received in this way, the other half is actively acquired by our editors. For each contribution the final decision about it being published or not is up to the chief editor. Information about the current state of your contribution is always available by the editor involved or the editorial office.

Types of articles

The Nieuw Archief publishes contributions which are interesting for a somewhat general, mathematically interested Dutch speaking audience. Technical research articles should be published somewhere else and will be declined without further consideration. All other contributions will be judged by their contents. Key criteria for publication are quality and mathematical relevance.

If you are considering writing a contribution to the Nieuw Archief, it may be a good idea to contact the editorial office before you start writing. In this way we can correlate your contribution with those of others and can discuss the contents of your future article.


In the Nieuw Archief, special attention is paid to actual events concerning and affecting mathematics. We like to be informed about any event and always welcome contributions about actual items (of course, we would again like to discuss them with the author as well). The size of such contributions should be limited to 350 words, with attention to relevance and audience. Pictures are always welcome. You can mail your contribution to: .

Used computer format

The Nieuw Archief is formatted in the TeX-variant ConTeXt. To limit the work for the editors, we would like any contribution to be as complete as possible. This means the following:

  • include the name, address and email-address of all authors in your contribution;
  • give a "lead" for the introduction, including relevant information like the date of the event);
  • include information on all of the authors: specialisation, position, details of mathematical career;
  • send the text of your contribution in electronic form, preferably as plain text (ASCII) or (La)TeX with as few of your own macros as possible;
  • send the images of your contribution in separate files in one of the following electronic forms: eps, bmp, gif, jpg, png or tiff. These images should have a very high resolution (you should contact the editorial office about them, if necessary);
  • take care of any copyright questions concerning the illustrations;
  • the captions for the illustrations should be clear without having to fall back on the text of the article;
  • when your contribution is accepted, you can also send photographs. They will be scanned by us and returned to you when the issue with your contribution is published;
  • suggestions for additional illustrations are welcome, but in first instance the author must provide the illustrations;
  • take care not to exceed the agreed size (the first page of an article in the Nieuw Archief contains 700 words, any following page contains 1000, not counting illustrations);
  • re-read your final version to correct any spelling errors.

The Nieuw Archief style of TeX

The Nieuw Archief has developed a set of LaTeX macros which will format your article to approximately the style of the printed version. Authors who are used to working in LaTeX are free to use these macros. The folowwing zip file contains the style file as well as an example:

Editorial modifications

The Nieuw Archief is a periodical with a professionally-designed style. This of course has consequences for the way contributions are processed. The editors can therefore make textual modifications to any article. Naturally, the final product will be given to the (communicating) author before publication.

The amount of modification will depend on the type of contribution. In lectures, only spelling errors will be corrected, but in other articles, the style may also be adapted to ours. Contributions to the sections "Book reviews", "Letters" and "News" may be shortened.

Communication between editors and authors

Before acceptance, communication will be done by one of the editors. Whether or not an article is accepted is up to the chief editor. The author will be informed about the acceptance or dismissal of his/her contribution. This last sentence does not apply to the sections "Book Reviews", "Letters" or "News".

If an article is accepted, the author is requested to send his/her final version to our staff. Usually, we will inform you about the expected publication date. The article will be formatted about 2 or 3 months before publication, in which time period we may contact the author for additional information. When the article is formatted, the author can view it as a pdf file. He or she can contact the editors within a week if any further modification is necessary.

The authors will receive the issue of the Nieuw Archief containing their article, as well as a pdf version of the article.